
Top 6 Internet security tools

Author: Valeria van der Poel
Domain Security News
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It is important for any domain owner to keep their domain(s) safe: whether you are a large domain reseller or work for a small e-commerce business. Cyber attacks are so widespread that anyone could theoretically fall victim to them, even if you feel your website(s) would not be a likely target. As a domain owner, the question is not “if” an attack will happen to you, but rather “when”.

Research suggests that 95% of security breaches in 2018 could have been avoided if accurate internet security measures had been taken. In order to stay up to date with your website security, you need to keep familiar with the latest developments. That’s why, in this post, we have gathered the top 6 best internet security products that you cannot miss out on as a domain owner in 2023. Some of these products we have in our offer. Others we do not (yet), but we still think it is important to share them with you, as we care about your safety and security as our customer.

As 91% of cyber attacks start with a phishing email, the first two security tools in this article concern email, as your own email server often goes side to side with owning a domain. After this, we will move on to the four best internet security products that concern your actual website. We hope this information will be useful to you and your business. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to curate a tailored security solution for you.

Top security products for your email

Spam filter: to secure your emails from fraud

Spam filters are one of the best and most well-known internet security products – and that’s not for no reason, as they are effective and easy to install. 

At Openprovider, you can enjoy the benefits of SpamExperts spam filters with any domain you register with us. SpamExperts scans and filters your email for spam, phishing, malware, and other threats with a 99.98% accuracy rate. And as if that’s not enough, it also increases your outbound email delivery and helps you store and archive your email in compliance with existing email archiving regulations, such as the GDPR.

Sounds like something your business needs? You can easily purchase this product in our control panel. Prices start at just €0,99 per month for Members and €1,99 per month for non-Members!

DMARC: to make sure nobody is pretending to be you

DMARC is short for “Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance”. Quite a mouthful, but DMARC is one of the best tools you can get to protect your email security even more. Large companies like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft are already using DMARC. 

In essence, DMARC is an authentication standard for outbound email. This mechanism checks whether the sender of an email that claims to be from your domain actually has your permission to send that particular email. 

DMARC works by adding a record into the DNS, which might be out of your comfort zone to do by yourself. In that case, we cannot recommend our new product EasyDMARC, which automatically sets this record up for any domain at Openprovider for which you purchase it. Prices start at just $6.46 per month for Members and $8.99 per month for non-Members.

Top security products for websites

SSL certificates: to keep your customer data safe

An SSL certificate is a must for any website. Not only do these certificates help you keep your data secure, but they also help you gain an important chunk of your customers’ trust. Websites without an active SSL certificate are marked as unsafe in all major browsers, which will have visitors quickly leaving your website and moving on to the competition.

SSL certificates help you keep the data and information that go into your website secure. It means that hackers are unable to catch passwords, personal data, or payment information that customers might put into your website. Having an SSL certificate also means your search engine ranking will go up, which is always a nice added bonus.

At Openprovider, we offer trustworthy SSL certificates from premium brands on the market. You can easily get these for your new and existing domains within our control panel. There are both free and paid SSL options available, each with different features. If you need any help setting something up, our support team is always ready to assist you.

DDoS protection: to keep your servers up, no matter what

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a serious risk to any website, which you will want to avoid. DDoS attacks can cause your website to become extremely slow or even go offline altogether, which will keep visitors and customers away from your brand. Attackers achieve this by bombarding your DNS zone with queries, often from many different IP addresses. Your DNS zone cannot handle this flood of commands and shuts down as a result, potentially causing a lot of damage to your website and business. DDoS protection is therefore one of the key parts of internet security that a domain owner should invest in.

Our Premium DNS solution includes strong protection against DDoS attacks, keeping your website(s) safe and secure at all times. Moreover, Premium DNS also comes with blazing-fast loading times and a 99.99% uptime guarantee, making your customer experience just so much smoother and better. That rightfully makes it one of the best internet security products out there! Just like SSL certificates, this product can be easily purchased from our control panel. Prices start at $6,49 per year for Members and $8,99 per year for non-Members.

Web Application Firewall: to stop suspicious activity

A web application firewall (WAF) can be described as the first line of defense between your website and the internet, that might fire all kinds of stuff at it. Web traffic and server requests first have to pass through your web application firewall before they are able to reach your website, server, or database. The firewall filters out potentially malicious requests, keeping your website and data safe.

Cloudflare is a popular provider of web application firewalls.

Website backup tool: to be prepared for anything that may happen

One of the worst consequences of a cyber attack could be the loss of your data, never to get it back. A website backup tool lets you create backups of your website(s), files, databases, and emails, making it possible to restore old versions in just a click. Using a website backup tool also means that, if third parties would gain control of your data, you would still have safe access to the backup, preventing large potential losses.

There are many website backup providers to choose from. Our partner Sectigo is one of them, offering daily website backups in different plans for different-sized companies.

What’s next?

Of course, it is not enough to just install these products and then call it a day. In order to protect your domain(s), it’s important to stay on top of what is happening in the world of cybercrime and cybersecurity. We often publish articles about these topics on our blog, so we recommend checking back regularly to see if there is something new you should be aware of. Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to receive all the important news in a compact package.

Moreover, if you work in a company with multiple employees, we recommend you start working on creating a security-friendly culture within your (remote) office. All of your employees should be confident and comfortable in the areas of internet security and what they should do if a data breach occurs. After all, security is a team effort.

At Openprovider, we would like to be on your team too. Contact us today to learn more about our security product offer and how we can best help you keep your domain(s) safe.


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