Huge savings
with Openprovider Membership

For an annual set fee you get:

Domain transactions at cost-price

Portfolio of value-added solutions

Marketing funds, channel rebates and promotions

Why become an Openprovider Member?
Get a competitive edge in a crowded market.

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Cut costs

Cost price domain transactions


Domains and all operations at cost prices

Fully assisted domain transfer for a
consolidated portfolio

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Expand margins

Exclusive access to value-added products


Exclusive access to marketing funds, channel rebates, and promotions

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Boost your business

Sales and marketing enablement


Ready-to-use sales and marketing assets

Dedicated account management and support

Discover which
tier is best for you

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Huge savings in domain management

Member exclusive products: Business email and all upcoming new products

WHOIS privacy protection for FREE

Domain forwarding for FREE

Fully assisted domain transfer

Choose the tier for your operation volume and requirements - easily up or downgrade as you need

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Exclusive portfolio of value-added solutions

Member exclusive products: Business email and all upcoming new products

1900+ TLDs

Massive discounts on products like Plesk, SSL, SpamExperts, EasyDMARC, and Premium DNS

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Powerful sales & marketing enablement

Ready-to-use sales & marketing assets

Dedicated account management and support

Massive discounts on products like Plesk, SSL, SpamExperts, EasyDMARC, and Premium DNS

Non-stop Member-only TLD promotions

Exclusive marketing fund programs and channel rebates

Become a Member in
3 simple steps

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Create an account and log in

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Add balance to your account

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Select your Membership Plan

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All done!

Real stories, real savings. This is what our Members say about us.

Unlock exclusive resources

Get access to a set of ready-to-use sales and marketing assets designed exclusively for our Members

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Here’s how you can reach us.

How do I become a Member?

What does “domains at cost price” mean?

What are domain operations, and which ones are included in Memberships?

What’s the cancellation policy for Memberships?

Can I “upgrade” or “downgrade” to a different Membership Plan?

Does my Membership expire? How can I renew it?

Do you need a Membership in order to use Openprovider’s services?
