How will the downtime affect the work of the RCP/API/SSL Panel?
During the 12 hours of downtime, it will not be possible to request a new order, change validation for the already requested ones or reissue/cancel active orders across Symantec, GeoTrust, Thawte, and RapidSSL brands and certificate types. We urge you to begin planning and preparation of your storefront and system, in order to minimize impact to your customers and support operations.
What will happen on the CA side?
The maintenance will focus on moving key operations from previous brands’ data centres to the new DigiCert data centre. The move requires bringing the services of those data centres down during the move. They will capitalize on the downtime by simultaneously upgrading software at multiple points in their infrastructure. The combination of these activities will improve performance and compliance while diminishing operational risk.
During the downtime, seal services and revocation validation services (CRL and OCSP) will continue to operate normally. That is current/existing certificates and trusted seals will function without disruption from this move. They will also have processes in place during the downtime to handle emergency revocations.
More information can be found at
You can check the real-time status of CA services at