
Update on premium price strategy

Author: Valeria van der Poel
Domain News
openprovider blog about domains

With the introduction of the new gTLDs, premium domain names have suddenly become very common. However, if you have ve ever registered a premium domain name, you may have noticed that the procedure and price is sometimes not clear enough. While this lack of structure mostly comes from the registries themselves, we found that we owed our clients some more clarity. Our market is in constant motion, but that is no reason to let you figure it all out.

So at Openprovider, we took action so that you have all the information, and it is as clear as you would expect from us. We have come up with a transparent price model for premium domains. With our model, a domain’s price is not ambiguous and doesn’t need to be looked up manually anymore.

This new pricing model will be effective as of June 11th. It will replace ALL existing prices. This means that the price for your premium domain may change. Please have a look at our Control Panel after June 11th to check out the consequences for you. If you had premium domain purchases in mind, but you were holding back, waiting for a good opportunity: this is it!


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