
Building a security-friendly culture

Author: Valeria van der Poel
Domain Security News
openprovider blog about domains

Errors happen and people make mistakes every day. Anyone could reuse old passwords, end up clicking a suspicious link in an email, or overlook vulnerabilities in their code. Even though preventing security breaches should be the focus in the first place, it is also important to think about what you could do after a security breach has already happened. This is why, at Openprovider we are working towards establishing an active security culture: within our teams, inside our company, and for our customers. And we take it seriously.

What to do when a security breach occurs?

The first thing you can do in the event of a security breach is to try to minimize the time of the breach and find out what happened. To achieve this, your team must be able to recognize potential security breaches. This is only possible by creating a strong security culture that encourages you to recognize and report any potential security breaches.

Everyone must understand that mistakes are possible and can happen. Moreover, if you are afraid that something has occurred, this doubt should be reported immediately. It can be a serious problem. Therefore, rather than trying to hide it, it is necessary to find a solution as quickly as possible.

Building a security culture

This kind of attitude within a team can only be achieved if there is a blameless culture within your company and team. From a psychological side, a company also needs to possess a sense of general security. As company leaders, you need to do this work in order to inoculate negative feelings and attitudes within the team.

Moreover, in order to ensure success, implementing a security culture in an organization should follow a particular framework. Just like in any project, you have to set goals and take regular measurements to ensure your progress. You also have to involve the right people to help you understand your audience and build trust and commitment.

In order to implement a security culture, you should take specific actions based on what best suits your organization and its needs, and then plan and execute these while measuring the impact. It’s mandatory to learn from the process in order to improve. And surely, mistakes may stilll happen on the road.

You can find more resources, examples, and ideas on how to implement a lasting security culture within an organization on the Security Framework Community Site.


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