CContactar a Soporte
¿Tienes algún problema?
Nuestros expertos en soporte técnico están disponibles
de lunes a viernes, de 4:30AM a 6:00PM CET.

Soy un cliente de Openprovider con preguntas de tipo comercial
Una pregunta de tipo comercial puede ser sobre precios, planes de suscripción, detalles sobre la cuenta, etc.
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Soy un cliente de Openprovider con preguntas técnicas
Una pregunta técnica puede ser una orden, transferencia de dominios, configuración de DNS, estado de SSL, etc.
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Quiero solicitar la divulgación de datos personales
Estás a punto de solicitar la divulgación de datos personales de uno o más dominios registrados bajo nuestro registrador Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Openprovider.
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Soy propietario/a de un dominio
No soy un cliente directo de Openprovider, pero soy el propietario de un dominio en la cartera y tengo una pregunta.
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Quiero contactar al propietario de un dominio
Estoy interesado en un dominio de la cartera.
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Quiero reportar un dominio que parece sospechoso
Quiero reportar un dominio que parece estar relacionado con phishing, abuso o infracción de derechos de autor.
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Los resellers crecen con nosotros
¿A qué esperas? Hazte reseller hoy.
Sales Support
I have a question about prices, memberships, account details, etc
Technical Support
I have a (technical) question about an order, domain transfer, DNS settings, SSL status, etc
I want to contact a domain owner
You may want to contact a domain owner for many reasons, for instance, you might be interested in buying a domain.
However, Openprovider does not have direct contact with the domain owners, only with resellers, in most cases hosting providers. Therefore, we cannot assist you with requests about domain purchases or answer questions addressed to the domain owner. We are also not able to provide client contact details to a third-party requester. In order to get in contact with an associated party, we can only suggest:
In cases related to a gTLD (like. com, .net, .org), please use the contact form found in the WHOIS email section.
In cases related to a ccTLD (like .nl, .eu, .be) please check this article for suggestions.
Request the Disclosure of Personal Data
You are about to request the disclosure of personal data for one or more domain names registered under our registrar Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Openprovider.
Support for Domain Owner
Openprovider does not have a direct panel for domain owners to manage your domain. If you would like to update domain details, we advise you to contact your hosting provider. This is the company you will also pay for your domain and or hosting.
By reading this article, you can find some options on how to find your hosting provider.
In case your hosting provider does not respond to your questions, you can start an escalation procedure via the below form to retrieve your authorization code.
Openprovider, as registrar, is obliged to generate the authorization code of the domain or to apply any changes in the current contacts if the owner of the domain requests it. Therefore Openprovider needs to confirm that the person contacting Openprovider speaks in name of the owner of the domain. Before this escalation procedure can start, Openprovider needs the following information.
Abuse Report
Once this form is completed and submitted your complaint will be forwarded to the specified domain(s) reseller.
For more information, please check the Openprovider abuse and complaints policy, and please note that it is possible that the reseller may choose not to respond to your request.