No more slow manual bulk transfers

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Tired of manually managing multiple domains across different registrars? With Openprovider, it's never been easier to consolidate your domains.

Automated registry-supported bulk transfers and transfer robots

Automated registry-supported bulk transfers and transfer robots

Hundreds of thousands of domains transferred

Hundreds of thousands of domains transferred

20 years of experience

20 years of experience

Why consolidate your domain portfolio with Openprovider?

Unique automation technology

Openprovider’s transfer robots were designed to unify all your domains under one umbrella - no matter where they are right now.

Registry bulk transfers: life made easy

We have performed hundreds of registry bulk transfers for domain extensions like .nl, .be, and .eu.

Domains at cost price

Are your domains all over the place because all registrars are charging different prices? The search for the best prices is over: Openprovider Members get 1,900+ TLDs at cost price.

Efficient domain management

Why not make your life easier? A centralized, easy-to-use control panel, a full-featured REST API, and a great team of experts will help you grow your business to new heights.

Experience speaks for itself

Openprovider’s transfer experts have transferred tens of thousands of domains over the past 20 years. They are together with you every step of the way.

Support along the way

With 20 years of industry experience, our transfer experts are ready to assist you along the way with any questions that come up.

Transfer your domains and reap the rewards

Watch the video to learn why transferring your domains to Openprovider is the best step for your business.

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This is what our customers say about us

Start transferring your domains to Openprovider today

Bulk domain transfers don’t have to be complicated. Consolidate your domain portfolio with Openprovider and start reaping the benefits of having all your domains in one place. Our low prices on domains and Plesk, a comprehensive suite of security products, and an intuitive control panel and API will help you grow your business and stand out like never before. Get started today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Here’s how you can reach us.

Do you support registry bulk transfers (SIDN, EURid, etc)? How do I find out if the domain I want is available?

What happens to my domain(s)’s expiration date after a transfer?

Is it possible to schedule a transfer for a future date?

Do you need to request transfer codes for domains managed at Openprovider?

Can I transfer a domain that is currently in quarantine to Openprovider?
