We hire employees through a third-party platform, called Recruitee. An Applicant’s data is stored and processed in Recruitee. We undertake that Recruitee is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations i.e. Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The information that is collected from applicants includes full name, address, e-mail address, phone number, photo (optional), cover letter, CV, LinkedIn profile, and e-mail correspondence with us. In the first instance, information is stored for 180 days which can be extended further, after obtaining the consent of the applicant. An applicant can request that their data be modified or deleted, and the same shall be acted on swiftly.


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SSL Certificates

SSL certificates are the way to go to keep yourself and your customers safe. Keep your data secure, verify website ownership, prevent attackers from creating fake versions of your website and gain trust.

Premium DNS

Security has never been more important! Sectigo’s Premium DNS provides every one with the protection they need and deserve! Put your DNS on the edge network and it will be faster than ever.


The Domain Name System Security Extensions is a suite of extension specifications by the Internet Engineering Task Force for securing data exchanged in the Domain Name System in Internet Protocol networks.

SSL Certificates

SSL certificates are the way to go to keep yourself and your customers safe. Keep your data secure, verify website ownership, prevent attackers from creating fake versions of your website and gain trust.

Premium DNS

Security has never been more important! Sectigo’s Premium DNS provides every one with the protection they need and deserve! Put your DNS on the edge network and it will be faster than ever.


The Domain Name System Security Extensions is a suite of extension specifications by the Internet Engineering Task Force for securing data exchanged in the Domain Name System in Internet Protocol networks.
