Find and buy an available domain name

All the tools to get started

Why register a domain with Openprovider?

With a wide range of domain extensions, a great platform and fast support,
we've got you covered!

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Free registration
and more

Create an account with us for free and enjoy Whois Privacy Protection, free DNS zones and templates and more.

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Fair and transparent pricing

We pay what you pay (for Members). No hidden surprises or additional costs. Just exactly what you want.

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in one place

Once you register with us, you can easily manage your domain(s), SSL certificate(s), spam filters and many other features from our convenient Control Panel.

Choose from over 2300 domain extensions

Express yourself with meaningful domain extensions, from .com to .design or .art, to help make your business stand out.

Discover the possibilities. Check the availability of your domain name and get it now.

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Begin your online journey now:


Boost your domain Now

Now that you've secured your dream domain,

check out these...

SSL Protection

Choose from the best SSL certificates to secure your website data.


The email filtering and archiving solution that you need!

Premium DNS

Get secure, faster site performance and 100% DNS uptime


Frequently Asked Questions

Knowledge is power

I want to register a new domain, but how do I find out if it's available?

What are premium domains?

Does Openprovider offer a local address service?

What kind of transfer options do you provide?

For which TLDs is Openprovider directly accredited at the registry?

What is the maximum and minimum length of a domain name?

Does Openprovider have accreditation?

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